Fairchild/ON Semiconductor |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 3750Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 50% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 600% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 3µs, 3µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 80V
- Current - Output / Channel: 80mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.3V (Max)
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 50mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 110°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 4-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 4-Mini-Flat
Package: 4-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock2,808 |
3750Vrms | 50% @ 5mA | 600% @ 5mA | - | 3µs, 3µs | DC | Transistor | 80V | 80mA | 1.3V (Max) | 50mA | 400mV | -40°C ~ 110°C | Surface Mount | 4-SMD, Gull Wing | 4-Mini-Flat |
TT Electronics/Optek Technology |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 70% @ 50µA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 80µs, 72µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Darlington
- Voltage - Output (Max): 35V
- Current - Output / Channel: 80mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.2V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 50mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 1V
- Operating Temperature: -30°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Through Hole
- Package / Case: 4-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm)
- Supplier Device Package: 4-DIP
Package: 4-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) |
Stock7,524 |
5000Vrms | 70% @ 50µA | - | - | 80µs, 72µs | DC | Darlington | 35V | 80mA | 1.2V | 50mA | 1V | -30°C ~ 100°C | Through Hole | 4-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | 4-DIP |
Fairchild/ON Semiconductor |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 2500Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 40% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 80% @ 10mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 7.5µs, 5.7µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 3.2µs, 4.7µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 30V
- Current - Output / Channel: 150mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.15V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width)
- Supplier Device Package: 8-SO Tall
Package: 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) |
Stock7,074 |
2500Vrms | 40% @ 10mA | 80% @ 10mA | 7.5µs, 5.7µs | 3.2µs, 4.7µs | DC | Transistor with Base | 30V | 150mA | 1.15V | 60mA | 400mV | -40°C ~ 100°C | Surface Mount | 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) | 8-SO Tall |
Fairchild/ON Semiconductor |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 3750Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 50% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 150% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 3µs, 3µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 80V
- Current - Output / Channel: 80mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.3V (Max)
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 50mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 4-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 4-Mini-Flat
Package: 4-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock36,000 |
3750Vrms | 50% @ 5mA | 150% @ 5mA | - | 3µs, 3µs | DC | Transistor | 80V | 80mA | 1.3V (Max) | 50mA | 400mV | -40°C ~ 100°C | Surface Mount | 4-SMD, Gull Wing | 4-Mini-Flat |
Fairchild/ON Semiconductor |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 7500Vpk
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 20% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 2µs, 2µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 30V
- Current - Output / Channel: -
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.18V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 6-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 6-SMD
Package: 6-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock2,862 |
7500Vpk | 20% @ 10mA | - | 2µs, 2µs | - | DC | Transistor with Base | 30V | - | 1.18V | 60mA | 400mV | -40°C ~ 100°C | Surface Mount | 6-SMD, Gull Wing | 6-SMD |
Fairchild/ON Semiconductor |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5300Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 100% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 4.2µs, 23µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 3µs, 14µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 70V
- Current - Output / Channel: -
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.15V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 90mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Through Hole
- Package / Case: 6-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm)
- Supplier Device Package: 6-DIP
Package: 6-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) |
Stock3,294 |
5300Vrms | 100% @ 10mA | - | 4.2µs, 23µs | 3µs, 14µs | DC | Transistor | 70V | - | 1.15V | 90mA | 400mV | -55°C ~ 100°C | Through Hole | 6-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | 6-DIP |
Fairchild/ON Semiconductor |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5300Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 200% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 400% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 2.4µs, 2.4µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 70V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.2V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 50mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 200mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Through Hole
- Package / Case: 4-DIP (0.400", 10.16mm)
- Supplier Device Package: 4-DIP
Package: 4-DIP (0.400", 10.16mm) |
Stock3,438 |
5300Vrms | 200% @ 5mA | 400% @ 5mA | - | 2.4µs, 2.4µs | DC | Transistor | 70V | 50mA | 1.2V | 50mA | 200mV | -55°C ~ 100°C | Through Hole | 4-DIP (0.400", 10.16mm) | 4-DIP |
Lite-On Inc. |
- Number of Channels: 4
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 50% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 600% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 4µs, 3µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 35V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.2V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 50mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 200mV
- Operating Temperature: -30°C ~ 110°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 16-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 16-SMD
Package: 16-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock5,598 |
5000Vrms | 50% @ 5mA | 600% @ 5mA | - | 4µs, 3µs | DC | Transistor | 35V | 50mA | 1.2V | 50mA | 200mV | -30°C ~ 110°C | Surface Mount | 16-SMD, Gull Wing | 16-SMD |
Broadcom Limited |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 1500VDC
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 9% @ 16mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 400ns, 1µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 20V
- Current - Output / Channel: 8mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.55V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 20mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): -
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 125°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 8-SMD Butt Joint
- Supplier Device Package: 8-SMD
Package: 8-SMD Butt Joint |
Stock6,840 |
1500VDC | 9% @ 16mA | - | 400ns, 1µs | - | DC | Transistor with Base | 20V | 8mA | 1.55V | 20mA | - | -55°C ~ 125°C | Surface Mount | 8-SMD Butt Joint | 8-SMD |
Broadcom Limited |
- Number of Channels: 2
- Voltage - Isolation: 1500VDC
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 200% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 2µs, 8µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Darlington
- Voltage - Output (Max): 20V
- Current - Output / Channel: 40mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.4V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 10mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 110mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 125°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 8-CSMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 8-DIP Gull Wing
Package: 8-CSMD, Gull Wing |
Stock3,402 |
1500VDC | 200% @ 5mA | - | 2µs, 8µs | - | DC | Darlington | 20V | 40mA | 1.4V | 10mA | 110mV | -55°C ~ 125°C | Surface Mount | 8-CSMD, Gull Wing | 8-DIP Gull Wing |
Broadcom Limited |
- Number of Channels: 2
- Voltage - Isolation: 1500VDC
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 9% @ 16mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 400ns, 1µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 18V
- Current - Output / Channel: 8mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.55V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 20mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): -
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 125°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 16-SMD, Butt Joint
- Supplier Device Package: 16-SMD
Package: 16-SMD, Butt Joint |
Stock4,662 |
1500VDC | 9% @ 16mA | - | 400ns, 1µs | - | DC | Transistor with Base | 18V | 8mA | 1.55V | 20mA | - | -55°C ~ 125°C | Surface Mount | 16-SMD, Butt Joint | 16-SMD |
Broadcom Limited |
- Number of Channels: 2
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 600% @ 500µA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 8000% @ 500µA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 3µs, 34µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Darlington
- Voltage - Output (Max): 18V
- Current - Output / Channel: 60mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.25V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 10mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): -
- Operating Temperature: 0°C ~ 70°C
- Mounting Type: Through Hole
- Package / Case: 8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm)
- Supplier Device Package: 8-DIP
Package: 8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) |
Stock6,498 |
5000Vrms | 600% @ 500µA | 8000% @ 500µA | 3µs, 34µs | - | DC | Darlington | 18V | 60mA | 1.25V | 10mA | - | 0°C ~ 70°C | Through Hole | 8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | 8-DIP |
Broadcom Limited |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 3750Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): -
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 20V
- Current - Output / Channel: 8mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.3V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 12mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): -
- Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 85°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 8-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 8-DIP Gull Wing
Package: 8-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock6,282 |
3750Vrms | - | - | - | - | DC | Transistor with Base | 20V | 8mA | 1.3V | 12mA | - | -40°C ~ 85°C | Surface Mount | 8-SMD, Gull Wing | 8-DIP Gull Wing |
Sharp Microelectronics |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 130% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 230% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 4µs, 3µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 80V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.2V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 50mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 200mV
- Operating Temperature: -30°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 4-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 4-SMD
Package: 4-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock816,000 |
5000Vrms | 130% @ 5mA | 230% @ 5mA | - | 4µs, 3µs | DC | Transistor | 80V | 50mA | 1.2V | 50mA | 200mV | -30°C ~ 100°C | Surface Mount | 4-SMD, Gull Wing | 4-SMD |
Everlight Electronics Co Ltd |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 160% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 320% @ 10mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 4µs, 3µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 2µs, 3µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 80V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.45V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 300mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 110°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 4-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 4-SOP (2.54mm)
Package: 4-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock2,898 |
5000Vrms | 160% @ 10mA | 320% @ 10mA | 4µs, 3µs | 2µs, 3µs | DC | Transistor | 80V | 50mA | 1.45V | 60mA | 300mV | -55°C ~ 110°C | Surface Mount | 4-SMD, Gull Wing | 4-SOP (2.54mm) |
Everlight Electronics Co Ltd |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 50% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 10µs, 9µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 6µs, 8µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 80V
- Current - Output / Channel: -
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.32V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 110°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 6-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 6-SMD
Package: 6-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock5,922 |
5000Vrms | 50% @ 10mA | - | 10µs, 9µs | 6µs, 8µs | DC | Transistor with Base | 80V | - | 1.32V | 60mA | 400mV | -55°C ~ 110°C | Surface Mount | 6-SMD, Gull Wing | 6-SMD |
Vishay Semiconductor Opto Division |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 3750Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 40% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 80% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 80V
- Current - Output / Channel: 100mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): -
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 4-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 4-SOP (2.54mm)
Package: 4-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock5,976 |
3750Vrms | 40% @ 5mA | 80% @ 5mA | - | - | DC | Transistor | 80V | 100mA | - | 60mA | 400mV | - | Surface Mount | 4-SMD, Gull Wing | 4-SOP (2.54mm) |
Everlight Electronics Co Ltd |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 50% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 5µs, 40µs (Max)
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Darlington with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 55V
- Current - Output / Channel: -
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.2V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 1.2V
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 6-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 6-SMD
Package: 6-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock4,464 |
5000Vrms | 50% @ 10mA | - | 5µs, 40µs (Max) | - | DC | Darlington with Base | 55V | - | 1.2V | 60mA | 1.2V | -55°C ~ 100°C | Surface Mount | 6-SMD, Gull Wing | 6-SMD |
Broadcom Limited |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 160% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 320% @ 10mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 5µs, 5µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 70V
- Current - Output / Channel: 150mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.4V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 300mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 6-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 6-SMD
Package: 6-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock346,368 |
5000Vrms | 160% @ 10mA | 320% @ 10mA | - | 5µs, 5µs | DC | Transistor with Base | 70V | 150mA | 1.4V | 60mA | 300mV | -55°C ~ 100°C | Surface Mount | 6-SMD, Gull Wing | 6-SMD |
Lite-On Inc. |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 3750Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 80% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 160% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 3µs, 3µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 2µs, 3µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 70V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.2V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 50mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 110°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 4-SOIC (0.173", 4.40mm)
- Supplier Device Package: 4-SSOP
Package: 4-SOIC (0.173", 4.40mm) |
Stock413,976 |
3750Vrms | 80% @ 5mA | 160% @ 5mA | 3µs, 3µs | 2µs, 3µs | DC | Transistor | 70V | 50mA | 1.2V | 50mA | 400mV | -55°C ~ 110°C | Surface Mount | 4-SOIC (0.173", 4.40mm) | 4-SSOP |
Everlight Electronics Co Ltd |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 200% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 400% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 4µs, 3µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 80V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.2V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 200mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 110°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 4-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 4-SMD
Package: 4-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock3,348 |
5000Vrms | 200% @ 5mA | 400% @ 5mA | - | 4µs, 3µs | DC | Transistor | 80V | 50mA | 1.2V | 60mA | 200mV | -55°C ~ 110°C | Surface Mount | 4-SMD, Gull Wing | 4-SMD |
Lite-On Inc. |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 40% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 320% @ 10mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 2µs, 2µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 70V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.4V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 6-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 6-SMD
Package: 6-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock4,104 |
5000Vrms | 40% @ 10mA | 320% @ 10mA | - | 2µs, 2µs | DC | Transistor | 70V | 50mA | 1.4V | 60mA | 400mV | -55°C ~ 100°C | Surface Mount | 6-SMD, Gull Wing | 6-SMD |
Vishay Semiconductor Opto Division |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5000Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 80% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 160% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 6µs, 5µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 3µs, 4.7µs
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 70V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.43V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 300mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 110°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 4-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 4-SMD
Package: 4-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock8,118 |
5000Vrms | 80% @ 5mA | 160% @ 5mA | 6µs, 5µs | 3µs, 4.7µs | DC | Transistor | 70V | 50mA | 1.43V | 60mA | 300mV | -55°C ~ 110°C | Surface Mount | 4-SMD, Gull Wing | 4-SMD |
Fairchild/ON Semiconductor |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 4170Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 1000% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 5µs, 100µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Darlington with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 100V
- Current - Output / Channel: -
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.3V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 1V
- Operating Temperature: -40°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 6-SMD, Gull Wing
- Supplier Device Package: 6-SMD
Package: 6-SMD, Gull Wing |
Stock60,156 |
4170Vrms | 1000% @ 10mA | - | 5µs, 100µs | - | DC | Darlington with Base | 100V | - | 1.3V | 60mA | 1V | -40°C ~ 100°C | Surface Mount | 6-SMD, Gull Wing | 6-SMD |
Vishay Semiconductor Opto Division |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5300Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 500% @ 10mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): -
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 5µs, 100µs (Max)
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Darlington with Base
- Voltage - Output (Max): 30V
- Current - Output / Channel: 100mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.25V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 60mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 1V (Typ)
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Through Hole
- Package / Case: 6-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm)
- Supplier Device Package: 6-DIP
Package: 6-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) |
Stock241,452 |
5300Vrms | 500% @ 10mA | - | 5µs, 100µs (Max) | - | DC | Darlington with Base | 30V | 100mA | 1.25V | 60mA | 1V (Typ) | -55°C ~ 100°C | Through Hole | 6-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | 6-DIP |
Everlight Electronics Co Ltd |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 3750Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 19% @ 16mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 50% @ 16mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 800ns, 800ns (Max)
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): -
- Input Type: DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 20V
- Current - Output / Channel: 8mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.5V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 25mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): -
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Surface Mount
- Package / Case: 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width)
- Supplier Device Package: 8-SOP
Package: 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) |
Stock55,224 |
3750Vrms | 19% @ 16mA | 50% @ 16mA | 800ns, 800ns (Max) | - | DC | Transistor | 20V | 8mA | 1.5V | 25mA | - | -55°C ~ 100°C | Surface Mount | 8-SOIC (0.154", 3.90mm Width) | 8-SOP |
Vishay Semiconductor Opto Division |
- Number of Channels: 1
- Voltage - Isolation: 5300Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 100% @ 1mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 320% @ 1mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): 6µs, 5.5µs
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 3.5µs, 5µs
- Input Type: AC, DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 55V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.1V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 50mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -55°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Through Hole
- Package / Case: 4-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm)
- Supplier Device Package: 4-DIP
Package: 4-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) |
Stock223,344 |
5300Vrms | 100% @ 1mA | 320% @ 1mA | 6µs, 5.5µs | 3.5µs, 5µs | AC, DC | Transistor | 55V | 50mA | 1.1V | 50mA | 400mV | -55°C ~ 100°C | Through Hole | 4-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | 4-DIP |
Isocom Components 2004 LTD |
- Number of Channels: 2
- Voltage - Isolation: 5300Vrms
- Current Transfer Ratio (Min): 50% @ 5mA
- Current Transfer Ratio (Max): 600% @ 5mA
- Turn On / Turn Off Time (Typ): -
- Rise / Fall Time (Typ): 4µs, 3µs
- Input Type: AC, DC
- Output Type: Transistor
- Voltage - Output (Max): 55V
- Current - Output / Channel: 50mA
- Voltage - Forward (Vf) (Typ): 1.15V
- Current - DC Forward (If) (Max): 50mA
- Vce Saturation (Max): 400mV
- Operating Temperature: -30°C ~ 100°C
- Mounting Type: Through Hole
- Package / Case: 8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm)
- Supplier Device Package: 8-DIP
Package: 8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) |
Stock13,890 |
5300Vrms | 50% @ 5mA | 600% @ 5mA | - | 4µs, 3µs | AC, DC | Transistor | 55V | 50mA | 1.15V | 50mA | 400mV | -30°C ~ 100°C | Through Hole | 8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm) | 8-DIP |