Analog Devices - Front-end ICs for phased array antenna or radar applications | Heisener Electronics
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Analog Devices - Front-end ICs for phased array antenna or radar applications

Post Date: 2020-04-13 , Analog Devices Inc.
Technology Cover

Analog Devices ADTR1107 front-end IC is compact, from 6GHz to 18GHz, which is very suitable for phased array antenna or radar applications. These ICs integrate power amplifiers, low noise amplifiers and reflective single-pole double-throw switches.

These ICs provide 25dBm of saturated output power and 22dB small signal gain in the transmitting state, and 18dB small signal gain and 2.5dB noise figure in the receiving state. In addition, the device has a directional coupler for power detection and internal matching to 50Ω input / output (I / O).

The device is packaged in a 5mm x 5mm, 24-terminal, land grid array.

Typical applications include phased array antennas, defense radar, meteorological radar, communication links, and electronic defense.

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