Codaca's molded power inductors offer good performance and low inductance values in high frequency applications | Heisener Electronics
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Codaca's molded power inductors offer good performance and low inductance values in high frequency applications

Post Date: 2022-09-12 , Conec
Technology Cover

     Codaca's CSEB-H series of high-current molded power inductors offer inductance values ranging from 0.05 μH to 33 μH, 50 A maximum high saturation, and dimensions as small as 4.3 mm x 4.3 mm x 2.0 mm. Significant improvements in size and high current make these inductors ideal for ADAS camera power supplies and other power supplies that require high current and small size. The lightweight hidden electrode design is suitable for high-density surface mount technology (SMT), saving PCB space.

       The CSEB-H series is thermoformed with low loss materials to reduce core losses and has a robust composite construction that provides magnetic shielding to minimize audible noise. Flat coil design reduces AC losses caused by coil skin effect in high frequency applications. These inductors are RoHS/REACH compliant and halogen free.

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