Company announces new resource website dedicated to drone design | Heisener Electronics
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Company announces new resource website dedicated to drone design

Post Date: 2022-07-16 , Vicor Corporation
Technology Cover

     Mouser and Vicor have teamed up to create a new resource website highlighting products, insights and strategies for drone design. Designers and engineers can access the site to acquire various assets.

     In a special technical chat with Mouser and All About Circuits, Vicor's Tom Curatolo explores how modular power systems can help uav designers maximize flight time, expand operational range and solve many other challenges. The new content stream contains numerous case studies, videos and more to support the next generation of uAVs and uav design. Among the resources is a video for the Vicor power module, which is capable of rapidly deploying power transmission and DC-DC power conversion across a wide range of power levels and voltages for on-board systems and ground control.

      It also offers Powering Today's Advanced UAVs, Vicor's recently published ebook about innovative PDN and novel power modules that allow for optimum performance with smaller power systems.

     The company offers a variety of Vicor solutions, including BCM6135 and BCM4414 BCM isolated fixed ratio DC-DC bus converters and MPRM28A VI-chip PRM switching regulators.

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