Custom designed fuel cell and fuse tester | Heisener Electronics
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Custom designed fuel cell and fuse tester

Post Date: 2022-03-30 , Intersil
Technology Cover

    Intepro Systems offers a complete suite of test services for the battery and semiconductor industries. In addition to fuel cell and electric vehicle driving test Systems, the company can offer turnkey test solutions for batteries, drives and green energy, as well as customized hardware and software solutions with low cost of ownership and global support. Also included are batteries and battery testers up to 2MW, as well as battery simulators for research and Oems in electric vehicles, the aerospace industry and other industries.

    The test system can be used for the development and life testing of new batteries to determine useful life in major applications and unlock options for later use as energy storage for renewable energy generation systems and power walls. The company's integrated test system uses the latest regenerative technology to deliver up to 95 percent of the energy output throughout the test process, reducing overall energy costs.

    Available products include up to 1.9MW bi-directional DC and automatic range power supplies, programmable AC power supplies and up to 2MW regenerative power supplies. Programmable AC power and regenerative load up to 2MVA, programmable load up to 1.9MW and regenerative DC load up to 1.9MW.

    The company provides "coding free programming" to test system users through its PowerStar software, which provides drag-and-drop sorting for more than 100 tests and provides built-in obsolescence management.

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