Diodes inc. - Hyper-fast rectifier offers 600V 8A performance for PFC / CCM applications (DSR8F600) | Heisener Electronics
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Diodes inc. - Hyper-fast rectifier offers 600V 8A performance for PFC / CCM applications (DSR8F600)

Post Date: 2015-10-03 , Diodes Incorporated
Technology Cover
Designed specifically for use as boost diodes in power factor correction (PFC) and continuous conduction mode (CCM) applications, Diodes Incorporated has introduced the DSR8F600 600V 8A ultrafast rectifier. The target market for this device is Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS), which requires high output power higher than 75W in terminal devices such as flat-screen TVs, servers and telecommunications systems. In Europe, new regulatory standards require the China needs to improve energy efficiency. The 20ns ultra-fast reverse recovery time reduces the switching losses of the PFC MOSFET, increases the switching speed and improves energy efficiency, and the very fast soft recovery capability ensures reduced ringing and EMI interference. The lower 3.9A reverse recovery current minimizes the recovery loss of the boost diode, which also reduces the power consumption of the MOSFET and reduces the risk of system failure. The low forward voltage drop of 1.95V also minimizes the conduction loss of the boost diode. The DSR8F600 in the TO220AC package is designed to provide designers of PFC circuits with the lowest possible energy loss, enabling them to have best-in-class performance, minimize noise, and achieve the highest power efficiency. DSR8F600 is the first in the ultra-fast rectifier series. The company said that future products will provide higher voltages and currents.