Infineon RF Solutions Enable High RF System Performance | Heisener Electronics
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Infineon RF Solutions Enable High RF System Performance

Post Date: 2022-09-05 , Infineon Technologies
Technology Cover

The number of connected devices is growing at an alarming rate, and customers continue to expect better user experiences in product design and functionality. Infineon's portfolio of reliable RF products is customer-driven. Continuously deepen the understanding of the system to provide the best RF technology products for reliable wireless connections. Infineon enhances user experience by enabling devices to achieve higher data rates, better signal quality and longer battery life with RF solutions for smartphones, laptops, tablets, wearables, drones , access points and various smart home appliances.

Infineon's LNA family increases data rates and reception quality for wireless applications. These ICs improve receiver sensitivity and enable a superior user experience. Infineon's LNA MMICs are highly integrated into the smallest packages, feature ESD protection and low power consumption, making them ideal for battery powered mobile devices. Innovative SiGe technology provides lower noise than silicon alternatives and offers performance comparable to more expensive GaAs counterparts.

The advantages of LNA MMICs greatly increase system sensitivity. Customers of 4G/5G, GPS, Mobile TV, Wi-Fi and FM portable devices will enjoy high data rate reception, fast and accurate navigation and smooth, high quality streaming.

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