Low cost 2-wire battery monitor with ratio A/D input | Heisener Electronics
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Low cost 2-wire battery monitor with ratio A/D input

Post Date: 2023-03-21 , Maxim Integrated
Technology Cover

The DS2746 provides system-side battery capacity monitoring in cost-sensitive applications. The tiny 3mm by 3mm TDFN package consumes only 9mm2 of PCB space. Voltage, bidirectional current and cumulative current measurements are provided to the host processor through a 2-wire interface. The offset offset and offset blanking characteristics greatly improve the accuracy of coulomb counter.

Pin arrangement


In addition, the DS2746 has two auxiliary A/D inputs to sample the packet identification resistor, thermistor or other voltage source. The result is reported as a proportional fraction of the power supply voltage elimination error associated with the power supply.

Typical operating circuit


The DS2746 reduces the total power consumption of the measurement circuit by enabling a resistive voltage divider through a VOUT pin only when making measurements. Low power sleep mode reduces current consumption while maintaining coulomb counts when the system is inactive.

Block Diagram



● 2.5G/3G Wireless Handsets

● PDA/Smartphones

● Digital Still and Video Cameras

● Handheld Computers and Terminals

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