Low voltage battery linear charger provided by Rohm Semiconductor | Heisener Electronics
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Low voltage battery linear charger provided by Rohm Semiconductor

Post Date: 2022-11-18 , Rohm Semiconductor
Technology Cover

ROHM semiconductor BD71631QWZ is a linear charger for low-voltage batteries. The charging voltage, charging current and stopping current of the battery can be set through the external resistance. BD71631QWZ has 50 μ A to 10 mA adjustable terminal current and low quiescent battery current.

Typical Application Circuit


Pin Configuration


The NTC thermistor at the input end is used for temperature qualified charging, and the drain open circuit charging indicator LED outputs.Circuit protection includes a fixed 10 hour safety timer, heating off, undervoltage lockout protection and battery overvoltage protection. BD71631QWZ is an ideal choice for low-voltage and single lithium ion battery products. It is the linear charging of low charging voltage battery. The battery charging voltage, charging current and termination current are set using an external resistor

Block Diagram


Equivalence Circuit


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