Lumileds - Multi-die LEDs enable single-optic directional lamp designs with a high luminance (L152-3080502400000) | Heisener Electronics
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Lumileds - Multi-die LEDs enable single-optic directional lamp designs with a high luminance (L152-3080502400000)

Post Date: 2015-06-07
Technology Cover
Lumileds LUXEON 5258 LED designed for applications such as MR16 / GU10 lamps and spotlights. This device can realize single light directional lamp design with high brightness multi-die LED. The LUXEON 5258 provides a 5mm light source and is designed to work with optics to provide directional lighting. The LUXEON 5258 is available in a 5258 surface mount package and is available in 24V or 96V. It is designed for high-efficiency drivers.