Maxim launches Cortex-M4-based MCUs with FPU | Heisener Electronics
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Maxim launches Cortex-M4-based MCUs with FPU

Post Date: 2018-05-04 , Maxim Integrated
Technology Cover
 The MAX32660 has access to 256KB of flash memory and 96KB of SRAM, with power consumption as low as 50 µW / MHz. It is packaged in a WLP and measures 1.6mm x 1.6mm. The MAX32652 contains 3MB of flash memory and 1MB of SRAM, and operates up to 120 MHz. Integrated peripherals include USB 2.0, a secure digital (SD) card controller, a thin film transistor (TFT) display controller, and a complete security engine. The device can be run from external memory via HyperBus or XcellaBus.

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