Microchip - Keyboard and embedded controllers customized for notebooks and tablets (MEC140x/1x) | Heisener Electronics
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Microchip - Keyboard and embedded controllers customized for notebooks and tablets (MEC140x/1x)

Post Date: 2016-01-05 , Microchip Technology
Technology Cover
Microchip's MEC140x / 1x keyboard and embedded controller are tailored for notebook and tablet platforms. Highly configurable mixed-signal devices include advanced I / O controller architecture. Each device integrates a 32-bit MIPS32R M14KT microcontroller core and 128KB of tightly coupled SRAM to store code and data loaded from SPI flash memory. Designers can use host SPI flash (for BIOS storage) for non-volatile EC firmware storage as a cost-effective system solution. These also provide flexible placement, allowing multiple I / O signals to be configured to support 3.3V or 1.8V. This reduces the system's bill of materials cost by eliminating the need for an external voltage converter. The MEC1404 communicates with the system host through Intel Low Pin Count (LPC) or I2C.