Microchip - Technology simplifies automotive infotainment networking | Heisener Electronics
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Microchip - Technology simplifies automotive infotainment networking

Post Date: 2019-02-22 , Microchip Technology
Technology Cover
 Microchip has announced what it claims to be the industry's most efficient automotive infotainment networking solution. The solution supports all data types including video, audio, control and Ethernet over a single cable. Intelligent Network Interface Controller Network (INICnet) technology is a synchronous, scalable solution that greatly simplifies building audio and infotainment systems and provides seamless implementation in vehicles with an Ethernet-oriented system architecture. Because audio is a key infotainment function in vehicles, INICnet technology provides full flexibility by supporting the mixing of digital audio formats with multiple sources and receivers. The technology also provides high-speed packet data communications and supports file transfers via standard Ethernet frames, OTA software updates, and system diagnostics. Therefore, the technology supports the seamless integration of IP-based system management and data communication, as well as the efficient transmission of streaming data. The technology does not require the development and licensing of other protocols or software stacks, thereby reducing development costs, workload and time.

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