Microchip 300ma, high PSRR and low static current LDO | Heisener Electronics
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Microchip 300ma, high PSRR and low static current LDO

Post Date: 2022-12-21 , Microchip Technology
Technology Cover

The MCP1802 is a CMOS low drop (LDO) voltage regulator family in a SOT-23-5 package that delivers up to 300 mA while consuming only 25 μa of static current (typical). Input operating ranges are specified from 2.0V to 10.0V, making it ideal for 2 to 6 main battery powered applications, 9V alkaline and one or two battery lithium-ion powered applications.

Functional block diagram


The MCP1802 is capable of delivering 100 mA with only a 200 mV(typical) input-output voltage difference (VOUT = 3.0V). The MCP1802's output voltage tolerance at +25°C is usually ±0.4%, with a maximum of ±2%. Line adjustment ±0.01% is typical at +25°C. The LDO output is stable and the output capacitance is at least 1μF.

Ceramic, tantalum, or aluminum electrolytic capacitors can be used for input and output. Overcurrent limitation and current retraction provide short circuit protection. The Off (SHDN) function allows output to be enabled or disabled. When disabled, the MCP1802 draws only 0.01 μA of current (typical).

Typical application circuit


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