NJR Corporation offers 3 - end voltage regulators | Heisener Electronics
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NJR Corporation offers 3 - end voltage regulators

Post Date: 2022-12-16 , NJR Corporation/NJRC
Technology Cover

NJM78L00 series three-end voltage regulator is manufactured by the new JRC plane epitaxial process. These regulators employ internal current limiting and thermal closing, making them essentially indestructible. They can provide up to 100mA of output current if sufficient heat dissipation is provided.They are widely used in fixed voltage regulators, including local or on-card regulation, to eliminate noise and distribution problems associated with single point regulation.

Equivalent circuit


In addition, they can be used with power channel elements to make high current voltage regulators. Used as a Zener diode/resistor combination replacement, the NJM78L00 series offers the typical two orders of magnitude improvement in effective output impedance, while having lower static current and lower noise

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