Rohm - USB-based platform designed to test the functional operation of various sensors (ML610Q112) | Heisener Electronics
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Rohm - USB-based platform designed to test the functional operation of various sensors (ML610Q112)

Post Date: 2015-09-23 , Rohm Semiconductor
Technology Cover
The Rohm Sensor Evaluation Kit is a universal USB-based platform designed to test the functional operation of various sensor types, including a substrate and multiple Breakout boards, making it easy to implement on the most popular boards and standard PCs. The base board is a controller board with a LAPIS ML610Q112 microcontroller. Breakout boards are sensor boards that can contain various sensor ICs. ML610Q112 is a high performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller, which contains rich peripheral circuits such as timer, PWM, UART, I2C bus interface (master / slave), synchronous serial port, voltage level monitor analog comparator And 10-bit successive approximation 8-bit nX-8 / 100 CPU is equipped with A / D type A / D converter. The CPU nX-U8 / 100 can efficiently execute instructions in a command-to-clock mode through a pipelined architecture in parallel processing. The Flash ROM installed as program memory and the on-chip debug function installed can be used to debug and program the program on the user board. The source code of the substrate software can be downloaded from the company website. Available breakout boards include Hall-effect sensors, ambient light sensors, UV sensors, MEM sensors, 6-axis electronic compasses, and temperature sensors.