STMicroelectronics - Trench-gate field-stop IGBTs save more energy and increase reliability (M-series) | Heisener Electronics
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STMicroelectronics - Trench-gate field-stop IGBTs save more energy and increase reliability (M-series)

Post Date: 2015-09-09 , STMicroelectronics
Technology Cover
The new STMicroelectronics M series 1200V IGBT series uses advanced trench gate field stop technology to save more energy and improve reliability. They are particularly suitable for use in hard switching circuits with operating frequencies up to 20kHz. The device has highly optimized turn-on and turn-off characteristics and low conduction losses. The series also offers a maximum operating temperature of up to 175 ° C, a wide safe operating area (SOA), latch-free operation, and a short-circuit withstand time of 10 s at 150C to ensure ruggedness in harsh and electrical environments Performance.