STMicroelectronics IPS4260L four way low side intelligent power switch | Heisener Electronics
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STMicroelectronics IPS4260L four way low side intelligent power switch

Post Date: 2022-11-09 , STMicroelectronics
Technology Cover

STMicroelectronics IPS4260L is a monolithic high-speed device, which can drive four independent capacitive, resistive or inductive loads, and has one side power supply connection voltage. Four integrated diodes clamp the turn off transient generated by the inductive load.

Block diagram


When connected to the Vcc track, the four integrated capture diodes clamp the turn off transient even under the condition of large inductance, which is also generated by the inductive load; In combination with an appropriate external TV connected to the VCC or ground, the IC allows rapid attenuation. Each channel is to prevent overload or short circuit events: the intervention level can be set by the external resistance on the ILIM pin.

Pin connection (top view)


Built in thermal shutdown protection chip to prevent overheating, even in case of short circuit. If enabled, integrated cut-off protection has non dissipative function overload protection; It both limits the average current value of the output, and therefore, the equipment overheats. Cut off delay/restart can realize the external resistance on CoD pin through programming; It can fail by shortening the CoD to GND.

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