Suitable for chassis mounted wire-wound resistors in a wide range of circuits | Heisener Electronics
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Suitable for chassis mounted wire-wound resistors in a wide range of circuits

Post Date: 2022-09-16 , TE Connectivity ALCOSWITCH Switches
Technology Cover

        TE Connectivity's CGS CJH Chassis Mount Wirewound Resistors are economical and compact aluminum housing resistors offering high electrical stability and reliability. Its rated power can reach 5000W, and the short-term overload can reach 10 times the rated power, which is suitable for a wide range of circuits. Featuring high durability and mineral-filled construction, the components offer high operating temperatures up to +250°C, which makes resistive reliable braking and other pulse applications.

      Aluminum housing allows higher operating temperature, high reliability and resistance to vibration. Suitable applications include power supplies, servo motors/drives, inverters, warehouse automation and electrical systems in difficult environments.

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