TDK Epcos - Compact SMD push-pull transformers operate to 125C | Heisener Electronics
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TDK Epcos - Compact SMD push-pull transformers operate to 125C

Post Date: 2016-01-05 , EPCOS (TDK)
Technology Cover
TDK has introduced a new series of Epcos SMD push-pull transformers with a compact size of only 9mm x 8mm x 5.7mm. Windings with center taps are located on the primary and secondary sides. The series includes five types with different transformation ratios ranging from 1: 1 to 1: 3.8. This can achieve a voltage ratio of 5V to 5V or 3.3V to 12V. Depending on the type, the inductance of the primary winding is between 9.5µH and 94µH. The new B82805 series transformers are designed for a typical switching frequency of 250kHz and an operating temperature range of -25C to + 125C. RoHS-compliant components are suitable, for example, for small switching power supplies with push-pull technology, and for electrical isolation in industrial automation and process engineering applications.