The 2BZ module of Murata Company adopts shielding packaging, which is easy to integrate into size and power sensitive applications | Heisener Electronics
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The 2BZ module of Murata Company adopts shielding packaging, which is easy to integrate into size and power sensitive applications

Post Date: 2022-11-23 , Murata
Technology Cover

Murata's 2BZ high-performance module is based on Infineon's CYW54590 combined chipset, and supports Wi Fi 802.11a/b/g/n/ac 2x2 MIMO+Bluetooth  5.2 BR/EDR/LE: PHY data rate on Wi Fi is up to 866 Mbps, and PHY data rate on Bluetooth is up to 3mbps.

Block diagram


The WLAN part supports SDIO v3.0 interface, and the Bluetooth part supports high-speed four wire UART interface and PCM for audio data. CYW54590 implements highly complex hardware mechanisms and algorithms for enhanced collaboration coexistence to ensure optimal performance of WLAN and Bluetooth collaboration.



The Type 2BZ module is packaged in an impressive small shielding shape factor for easy integration into size and power sensitive applications, such as Internet of Things applications, handheld wireless systems, gateways, etc. RF matching, antenna design and regulatory certification have been concerned and tested.

Pin of module

Patterns of land


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