The latest high-precision GNSS modules provide increased scalability for applications | Heisener Electronics
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The latest high-precision GNSS modules provide increased scalability for applications

Post Date: 2022-09-23 , U-Blox America Inc.
Technology Cover

u-blox now offers a new firmware update that expands the range of positioning augmentation services supported by its ZED-F9R high precision GNSS dead reckoning module. As a result of a firmware update, ZE-F9R-03B adds support for SPARTN 2.0 and the QZSS CLAS correction service, expanding the device's geographic market coverage and increasing scalability for applications that use the module.

The RTK functional module was developed for autonomous vehicles and industrial applications that require simple and efficient implementation and fast access to highly accurate positioning data, even in challenging signal environments such as in dense cities. Typical applications include slow-moving use cases such as robotic lawn mowers and shared electric scooters.

The module has an integrated IMU for RTK positioning and uses sophisticated algorithms to fuse IMU data with GNSS measurements, correction service data, wheel ticks and vehicle dynamics models, even in the event of GNSS failure alone Provides centimeter-level positioning accuracy. Based on the company's F9 multi-band GNSS reception platform, it can track up to four GNSS constellations simultaneously, providing high-quality positioning accuracy.

"Since our new ze-f9r-03b high precision GNSS module also supports SPARTN 2.0 and QZSS CLAS, it enables designers to bring products requiring dead reckoning technology to a wider geographic market, increasing economies of scale. PointPerfect provides Correction data for the SPARTN protocol, a service available from u-blox,” said Alex Ngi, Product Manager for Industrial Navigation and Robotics at u-blox Product Center Positioning.

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