Up to 6A waterproof cable-to-wire connector | Heisener Electronics
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Up to 6A waterproof cable-to-wire connector

Post Date: 2018-05-04 , Molex Connector Corporation
Technology Cover
The connector has a maximum output current of 6A and the seal is IP67 NEMA rated-the seal with cap provides a durable moisture and dust barrier for manufacturers of sensors, lighting, vending machines and liquid dispensers . The company said: "Seals and seals prevent on-the-job damage, prevent abuse during shipping and handling, and prevent puncture of seals during assembly." Options are available from 2 to 10 circuits, all of which can span -40 to + 105 ° C, with a terminal retention force of 30N-The thin positive latch is designed to prevent the wire from being caught or damaged.

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